Creating a free BATTLE BEARS account will allow you to save your status and access it from other devices. Please follow the instructions below to create your free account:
1. Launch the application.
2. From the Main Menu, select the "Save your Status. Create Free Account!" button found in the bottom center of the screen.
3. At the "Create New Account" window, enter your email address in both fields and press "Next".
4. At the "Verify Password" window, enter the password you would like to use in both fields and press 'Create Account".
5. As long as the email address has not already been used and the passwords match, the account will then be created and the application will relaunch, logging you into your BATTLE BEARS account.
Each time you launch the application, it will automatically log you in. To verify you are logged into the appropriate account, select the "Options" button from the main menu and on the bottom of the screen you'll see the account that's logged in.
How do I create a free BATTLE BEARS account?
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So.. When will it be realeased?