Skill rating is calculated differently for each game mode. Below you will find details on how ranking and skill points are calculated for each mode.
Team Battle Mode:
At the end of a match, players are first ranked 1st through 8th based on the following factors. These are in order of significance when determining final rank.
- Number of Kills
- Damage Dealt
Once players are ranked based on the results above, the amount of skill points you gain or lose is based upon a difference in skill and a “surprise” value.
For example: Suppose a player with 500 skill points gets ranked 1st and another player with 3000 skill points is ranked 8th. The player with 500 skill points will get a dramatic boost in skill points while the player with 3000 skill points will significantly lose points. The final results and the difference in skill points between players will determine the “surprise” value and the final skill points gained or lost.
Plant the Bomb Mode:
At the end of a match, players are first ranked 1st through 8th based on the following factors. These are in order of significance when determining final rank.
- Winning or Losing Team
- Number of Kills
- Damage Dealt
Once players are ranked based on the results above, the amount of skill points you gain or lose is based upon a difference in skill and the “surprise” values mentioned in Team Battle.
For example: Let’s say a player with 2000 skill points is on the losing team but they have a large amount of kills compared to a player of 1000 skill points who is on the winning team. The player with 1000 skill points on the winning team will rank higher because they were on the winning team. The number of kills and the damage dealt are later calculated to the ranking system. So the player with 1000 skill points will therefore be ranked higher than the player with 2000 skill points on the losing team. The final results and the difference in skill points between players will determine the “surprise” value and the final skill points gained or lost.
I think this is incomplete.
It's messed up, I'm diamond rank right? I played a deathmatch , got 20 kills 0 deaths guess what? -87 points :|
When teams are being made up on the server, teams should be divided into approximate equal total skill levels, (give or take 20-40 skill level ratings.) This would make it fair and more enjoyable for anyone, regardless of level, especially if the teams are uneven.
Team red's four players skill ratings total 79.
Team blue's 3 or 4 players skills total 98.
You know what I mean?
Its just stupid when all 4 team members have ratings above 50, and the other team range in the 20's.
Its like the dude above said, u can kill 10 people but get a minus rating...
What the rank gives?
this is stupid cuz if your teammates die and give the enemy points and i get lower kills than the enemy then i lose skill rating... and i got like 20 kills in plant the bomb but i didnt plant any bomb but the enemy did and in the end i lose rating............
Just remove botch
Plant the Bomb skill rating calculations are stupid. Shouldn't you get more skill by scoring bombs??? I got 5 scores and my opponents had 0 and I -60 skill rating...
I just played a game of plant the bomb, I scored 10 points int the game in 1 life. We won but unfortunately I didn't get any kills and got -70 to my score. I played the objected and solely won for my team but that was not represented in my skill gained.
I have 20,000 skill points but whenever i score a REALLY high score (35 kills 0 deaths) [I am NOT a hacker, just played a LONG time] against all diamond rank players and
no one assisted me (1v4 game) i would still get -90 points.... however, when i play a very bad game ( -15 kills 30 deaths) i would gain +50 skill points...... what kind of witchcraft is
this...... skill point rating is MESSED up..... fix it SKYVU
Anyway, my BB GOLD nickname is [TNT] FIGHT ME BRO {GET MAD} fight with me :))))
Why am I hold when I used to be Diamond
Do you guys really think skill rating is important. I am diamond and I don't care. If you care about your skill rating than you are a silly person.
I was silver rank and now I'm back to brown why!